Y-Metal Style Diet Tips
1. Replace Full cream coconut milk with light coconut milk, low fat milk or even skim milk if you want an extremely light curry. To get a coconut smell if you use milk instead of coconut milk, put about 5-6 drops of coconut scent in your curry to enhance the authentic taste.
2. Brown Rice makes you feel satisfactorily full faster than Jasmine Rice. You can mix 50/50 brown Rice and Jasmine rice together and cook. Remember to cook brown rice first until the brown rice in half cook then add Jasmine rice after. With this method, both type of rice will be equally soft.
3. Use Splenda instead of sugar. Sometimes if you want to lower your sugar intake. You can use Splenda at the same place where you use Sugar. It tastes exactly the same as sugar but its calories is 98% lower than sugar. For me, I replace sugar with Splenda about 2-3 times a week in my dishes as I don't want to go overboard with sweetener too much. However Splenda is still the best choice for Diabetes.
4. Clear soup is rock. Every meal should consist of at least 1 clear soup. It could be soup with any veggies, grass noodle or tofu. It helps fill you up and will distract you from eating just meat.
5. Every meal must contain veggies..! Veggies could be side dishes or mixed with the main meal. It should take up to30% of the whole potion. Veggies contain fibre which will help capturing fat and eliminate from your body. Fibre also help digestion function and lower fat deposit in body.
6. Use extra light olive oil to cook foods.
7. Rice noodles contain less calories than egg noodles (yellow noodles) and grass noodle (clear noodle or vermicelli ) contains the least calories than others.
8. Try not to eat dinner after 7pm
9. Eat slowly and enjoy every single bit of your foods.
10. Serve foods in small plate with a lot of veggies. Big plate make your proper food potion look like you don't have enough food.
I will try with your suggest !! Thank you ^ ^